Find out healthier options of satisfying your sweet tooth:
Limit your consumption of carbohydrate drinks and soda:
Say goodbye to processed and packaged food items:
No replacement of saturated fat by sugar:
Always read labels:
Strict dessert consumption:
Natural sweeteners can help a lot:
Today we are going to talk about how to reduce the sugar contents in your diet for the patients of diabetes because everything that you consume has more or less sugar. This is very simple. For this, you need to improve your knowledge about the food type and what all it has in it, which is only possible with your own research.
By saying this, we mean that you need to know about the food item in detail which you want to consume. Of course, this is a very serious matter for the people who are already suffering from any type of diabetes.
We don’t say that you stop consuming sugar at all, but you need to make extra effort in order to cut down your sugar consumption on daily basis.
Let’s see what these things are which you can do to limit sugar contents in your diet.
Find out healthier options of satisfying your sweet tooth:
There are many of us who have sweet tooth and they cannot live without sweets. These people cannot easily control their craving for something sweet. Hence, we are suggesting some alternatives for them, so that it does not impact their diabetes negatively and they can also eat sweet. We suggest you to have blended and frozen bananas in place of ice cream. It could be much healthier option for you because ice-creams have very high content of sugar in them.
Some people are even very fond of chocolates irrespective of their age group. As you know that diabetes is a disorder that can appear in any age. So, there are kids who also suffer from it and there are young as well as old people who have to face this problem. I believe there is no single kid around this world as far as my knowledge is concerned who doesn’t like chocolates and ice-creams. Children are new to this world and they don’t understand physical ailments as we adults do. For them, if they want to have something, they should get it. So, the solution of ice-cream we have just told you and now we are telling you the substitute of chocolates.
Kids can have dark chocolates instead of regular one because dark chocolates are generally sugar free. Milk chocolate bar is a complete no for diabetic people.
Limit your consumption of carbohydrate drinks and soda:
Carbohydrates are not good for diabetics
Now there is a trend of consuming a lot of beverages for hydrating the body all the time because some people cannot drink too much water as they find almost no taste in. But carbohydrates are not good for diabetic patients because they increase their blood sugar level to a greater extent.
Better is to have water mixed with lemon juice to add taste to water. You need to stop taking even the creamers along with sweeteners in tea and coffee, which are generally consumed in very high amount to relieve stress from our work life.
Say goodbye to processed and packaged food items:
Don’t consume processed food and packaged food
Another problem is the use of processed food. We have processed dairy products available in the market for the convenience of the customers. But the convenience of getting them is sometimes not good for us and especially our health. We have to start avoiding anything which is not fresh. Processed food is not fresh because they are stored in a manner with the help of chemicals, so that they can last long. The examples of processed or packaged food are frozen snacks and other meals, canned soups and packaged dairy products like curd along with some low fat meals. All these types of products contain some hidden sugar in them. So beware of using them as they could be very risky for the health of an individual.
No replacement of saturated fat by sugar:
People sometimes in order to cut saturated fat from their diet include refined carbs, which is low fat. This is not the right choice because low fat is not always healthy for us as refined carbs have added sugar in them. Thus, there is a need to be careful about it.
Always read labels:
Every product which we buy from the market is available with some labels. We have to be very careful while buying them, so always give time in reading whatever is written on the products which you are going to consume. Always select the products which are low in sugar and fresh. Canned products is a complete no for diabetics. In addition, any drink which is sugary may not be for diabetics. Therefore, always seek advice of your doctor.
Strict dessert consumption:
Eat half dessert and half fruit
There are patients of diabetes who are mostly successful in controlling it to the minimum by regularly consulting with their doctor or with the help of the test kits. So, they are allowed to eat desserts, but they are also suggested to have only half of the dessert what they normally eat. For an example, one piece of sweet has to be half for the diabetics or even less than half. Moreover, you can have fruit in the proportion of the other half. This is actually a very good method of prohibiting the use of something.
This way you can even satisfy your taste buds and can even include fruit in your diet which are actually nutritious and healthy. You know that both these items should not be eaten in excess in case of diabetes because it can go up any time and increase the risk of other health problems too.
Natural sweeteners can help a lot:
Now you will be surprised that what these natural sweeteners are. Well, these are the ones which you prepare by yourself. Like you can have plain yogurt or oatmeal and you can add some fruit to them just to add little sweet taste. This will help avoid regular sugar completely. This way they will contain very less sugar as compared to the manufactured sweeteners.
In fact, there are many other ingredients in one’s home which can also help in giving sweet texture to food. You can have mint, cinnamon or vanilla extract. These could be good alternatives of chemical based sugar.